Main Office
Please take some time to look through the information offered on this page and share any questions or concerns you may have with Mrs. Bilello, Miss Melfi, or Ms. Lafountain.
School Hours
Safety and supervision are always our number one priority.
- Sometimes parents drop their children off before 9:00 AM. Please note that the school offers no supervision until 9:00 AM. Staff are preparing their classrooms or attending meetings at this time and are not available for supervision. If children arrive before nine in the morning they are not to enter the building unless supervised by a parent. In addition, we are unable to supervise students dropped off in front of the building prior to this time. If you have work commitments or other obligations the YMCA offers child care every day school is in session. Call for details: North Area Family YMCA 451-2562.
- In addition to our morning hours, please note that our classrooms and Main Office are locked at 4:00. Students will not be allowed to re-enter the classroom after this time. We appreciate your support in maintaining our security while working with our students to promote responsibility.
Meal Prices and Policies
- Breakfast and lunch meals are is available each day school is in session. Please visit our Food Service website for information and forms related to free and reduced meals if you are interested.
- Our cafeteria staff promotes healthy eating and will discourage students from purchasing excess snacks, ice cream, etc. without eating a healthy meal. We do not allow fast food to be brought in when visiting for lunch, and appreciate your support in modeling healthy eating habits.
Please feel free to contact the school or Food Service department for additional information.