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Peachjar Community Flyers

The North Syracuse Central School District uses ParentSquare to share school and district information directly to families and community members. School- and PTO/PTG-sponsored events are typically posted in ParentSquare by each school building staff. As a courtesy, we allow community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students and staff to distribute relevant informational materials electronically via Peachjar.  Board of Education Policy #5660, Distribution of Materials in Schools bans the distribution of materials/flyers supporting commercial activity in schools. "Materials/flyers that support, advertise, encourage, solicit funds or participation in 'for profit' enterprise from students or staff are also banned."

Peachjar charges organizations a fee  to use this service. The fee is typically less than the cost to copy and deliver flyers to each school. Once an organization posts a flyer to a school's Peachjar site, parents can view the flyer through the Peachjar link on each individual school’s home page. Additionally, flyers will be delivered to all parents' emails as an embedded image, not a link. This means parents will immediately see the flyer and be able to click through to an organization's website to sign-up.

Want to Submit a Flyer?

Peachjar charges organizations a fee  to use this service. The fee is typically less than the cost to copy and deliver flyers to each school. Click here for Peachjar's pricing schedule. To post a flyer, register at, and select your desired school(s). The flyer is then automatically submitted to the district for approval. If approved, the flyer will be delivered to all parents and posted online.

  • Flyers not generated by the North Syracuse Central School District or any of its individual schools must include the following disclaimer:  "The North Syracuse Central School District does not endorse and is not responsible for any business, services or event advertised in this flyer."
  • All promotional materials must be submitted at least two weeks prior to distribution, if possible.

To request flyer approval:

The North Syracuse Central School District approves the distribution of:

Flyers that promote an educational experience for students or parents, a healthy use of leisure time and/or a special enrichment activity not duplicated by the North Syracuse Central School District or an affiliated program.

The North Syracuse Central School District does not approve the distribution of:

  • Materials for projects, activities or programs that would publicize or promote a particular church, religious organization or religious viewpoint.
  • Materials for projects, activities or programs that would publicize or promote a particular political party, political organization or political viewpoint.
  • Materials for projects, activities or programs that would publicize or promote a for-profit business.
  • Materials for events deemed by the district as not suitable for children.
  • Materials that violate the district's Code of Conduct Policy 1240.1  or Distribution of Materials in Schools Policy 5660.