Student Resources
Destiny Library Opac
Dollars for Scholars
Elementary Science Textbook
HMH Intervention Student Access
Handbooks for Students and Parents (Click the links below)
- North Syracuse Early Education Program
- Elementary Schools (all)
- Gillette Road Middle School
- Roxboro Road Middle School
- North Syracuse Junior High School
- Cicero-North Syracuse High School
Instructional Expectations (In-person to Remote learning)
iRead Student AccessIXL Math
Library of Congress
New York State School Counseling Plan
OCM BOCES website
Office 365 Portal
Onondaga County Health Department
ParentSquare: ParentSquare is a unified app for school communication so parents and guardians can receive all announcements from the District, their children’s schools and teachers in one place, with options to specify how and when parents/guardians are notified. Click here to learn more.
Pearson EasyBridge
Privacy and Ed Law 2-D
Raz Kids
Report Cards and Reporting Procedures
School Records
School Social WorkersSchoolTool Login
SchoolTool Resources and Information (Including Mobile App Instructions)
Student Name and Gender Change Form
Technology Resources for Students
How do I log into my District Google Account? How do I find Google Classroom and Google Drive?
Seniors take your files with you when you go!