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Home Instruction


Parents who intend to home school their children are required to adhere to the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) regulations and guidance regarding home instruction.  For more information on home instruction, please visit the NYSED website by clicking here. 

If you intend to home school your child(ren) and live in the North Syracuse Central School District, please submit your letter of intent to home school for each child of compulsory attendance age to be taught at home to:

Nickolas Scholz 
Director of Mathematics
5355 West Taft Road
North Syracuse, NY  13212

Contact Julia Shannon at (315) 218-2147 for additional information.

You will receive a letter from the District acknowledging receipt of your letter of intent along with copies of Board of Education policies governing home instruction (Board of Education Policies are available on the BOE website at and the Commissioner’s Regulation Section 100.10:

  • Board of Education Policy 1741:  Home Schooling (Parent Instruction) 
  • Board of Education Policy 5154:  Grade Level Placement of Students from Ungraded Schools, Unapproved Private Schools or Home Instruction Programs
  • Section 100.10: Regulations of the Commissioner of Education – Home Instruction

The District is charged with the responsibility to review each proposed home instruction program and to monitor the progress of students throughout the year.

A completed Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) must be received within four weeks of the date of receipt of the acknowledgement of the letter of intent to home school or by July 31 of each year, whichever is later.