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Long Range Plan will serve as a roadmap for 2019-2020 school budget

On Monday, March 4, North Syracuse Central School District Superintendent of Schools Annette Speach, presented a Long Range Plan to the District's Board of Education. The plan ties together the District's Goals, Mission and Vision2020. Those three documents have been developed collaboratively with students, staff and community members over the past several years. The Mission, developed in 2014 as the result of various stakeholders working together to set a direction for the district, was used to determine a collective focus. 

Since the adoption of the Mission, the District and community have worked together to answer the question, "What will the North Syracuse Central School District look like if we truly honor our Mission?" As a result of Visioning Work that has been done to answer that question, the following key themes were used to develop Vision2020:
  • Local businesses and community involvement in our schools,
  • Honoring diversity, differentiation and student choice in response to learning styles,
  • Redesigning collaborative instructional spaces to enhance learning,
  • District-wide expectations for student behavior, and
  • Respectful communication among all.
Those themes were translated into 8 focus areas in Vision 2020. The areas are:
  • Inclusive Settings
  • Response to Intervention
  • Standards-Based Learning
  • Social-Emotional Learning
  • Balanced Literacy P–12
  • NYS Science Learning Standards P–12
  • Math Frameworks P–6
  • Career Technical Education
The newly released Long Range Plan includes specific action items that clearly define each focus area, explain the work already done and define the goals moving forward as well as the ways the goals will be measured for success. 

Superintendent Speach recently put together a brief video newsletter about the Long Range Plan and invites families and community members to learn more by watching it here. She said, "This document is intended to be a living, breathing roadmap for district success. We are excited to share the specific details with our families and community members so that we can continue to work together to help all students succeed!"