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North Syracuse Education Foundation Grant Spotlight

Empowering Students Through Innovation: The Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine

Every year, the North Syracuse Education Foundation (NSEF) celebrates the dedication and creativity of educators in the NSCSD by awarding grants that bring innovative educational concepts to life. One such grant that has captured the imagination of many is the "Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine." This clever initiative was made possible by a grant to Peggy Parker at KWS Bear Road Elementary School. When Peggy retired, Debbie Gavin worked to bring Peggy’s vision to life and their combined work promises to transform the educational experience for students in grades K-4.

Rewarding and Recognizing Excellence
The primary goal of the Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine is to recognize and reward students for their outstanding achievements and positive character traits. It's no secret that when students are motivated and feel appreciated, their academic performance and behavior tend to improve. This innovative project aims to do just that by creating an enticing incentive: free books!

Students have opportunities to earn tokens, which can be exchanged for a free book from the vending machine.
Tokens are awarded based on a variety of factors, including improved grades, positive character traits, enhanced attendance, and other commendable behaviors. This unique approach not only encourages academic excellence but also fosters values like responsibility, kindness, and perseverance.
Community Involvement: A Vital Ingredient
The success of the Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine project relies on the active participation of the community. We firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child, and in this case, the village is coming together to provide students with the tools they need to succeed.
If you're inspired by this initiative and wish to contribute, there are two ways to do so. You can either donate books or provide financial support to purchase additional books. To make a contribution, simply visit the NSEF website (, where you'll find a convenient QR code for donations. Alternatively, you can mail a check to NSEF at P.O. Box 5225, Syracuse, NY 13220-5225, with a clear designation for the "book vending machine."

What makes this even more appealing is that your donation to NSEF is tax-deductible. NSEF is a recognized 501(c)3 organization, and they will provide you with a letter for your taxes. By contributing to this worthy cause, you not only support the education of young minds but also enjoy the benefits of a tax deduction.

Sustaining the Vision
The journey to empower students through the Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine is just beginning. With the generosity and involvement of the North Syracuse community, the hope is to keep this vending machine stocked for years to come. As students continue to excel academically and demonstrate exemplary character traits, they will have a tangible and exciting reward to look forward to—an opportunity to choose their own books to read and treasure.

The Inchy Worm Book Vending Machine is a symbol of the power of innovation and community support in education. It not only encourages academic excellence but also nurtures the values and character traits that make responsible, compassionate citizens. As we come together to support this project, we're not just investing in books; we're investing in the future of our community. This initiative serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can lead to substantial positive change, one token and one book at a time.