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Meet the NSCSD’s first-ever student board of education member

October 13, 2023: This year marks an exciting milestone as we proudly introduce the district’s inaugural Ex-Officio Student Board Member on the North Syracuse Central School District Board of Education.

We extend our congratulations to Thomas Wills, a Cicero-North Syracuse High School senior, for assuming the role for the 2023-24 term. This voter-approved position aims to give a voice to the student population.

Thomas was selected for this role after a thorough evaluation and interview process of senior candidates. He will have the privilege of attending all public board meetings and public hearings, although he will not be present during executive sessions.

To get to know Thomas a bit, we asked him the following questions:

Why did you want to serve on the board of education?
I wanted to serve on the Board of Education because I was intrigued by the ability to influence and learn about local policy within our district; I'd never dove into local politics before, so this seemed like a great opportunity.
What issues do you think are important to NSCSD students?
I think that initiative, determination and self-confidence are lacking amongst the student body within our district. Every issue at NSCSD is an issue of the student, but these are lacking core traits that need to be encouraged for students to flourish.
How do you plan to stay in tune with the student body so you are sharing their views with the board of education?
In addition to my pool of friends and acquaintances across grades, interests and backgrounds, I plan on reaching out to various NSCSD clubs and committees so I can acknowledge and apply their views to my service on the Board.
How many years have you been a student in the NSCSD?
I've been an NSCSD student for my entire educational career.
What elementary and middle schools did you attend?
I attended Smith Road and Gillette, respectively.
What do you like best about being a high school student?
I enjoy the healthy balance between familiarity, structure, and growth. I find that the plethora of electives offered at the high school are quite satisfactory, at least for my sophomore and junior years.
Do you participate in any interscholastic sports teams, extracurricular activities or play a musical instrument?
I don’t currently play any instruments or take place in school sports but I hope to one day learn the piano or cello. I'm the President of the National Honor Society, as well as one of the top competitors on both CNS's Science Olympiad Team and CNS's Math League Team. I run a tutoring service (Tutor Thomas) and a game development studio (TheTominator Games). Additionally, I run a nonprofit known as the Lunch Rescue Initiative, which redistributes unwanted cafeteria food to those in need.
What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, I plan to attend MIT and pursue my love of Computer Engineering. During my time at college, I hope to experiment, research, build, and create as well as continue work on my game development studio TheTominator Games. 
Do you have a dream job?
No, although I have some criteria for one. I'd like to be doing something that I love, something that helps the world and something that brings joy to others.
Have you ever met someone famous?
Not that I know of! I don't keep up with celebrities or artists though, partially because I have a hard time remembering their names.
What food could you eat every day and not get tired of it?
APPLES. I've eaten (at least) one apple every single day for the past two years, and I love their taste just the same!
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
It's a tie between Cookies and Cream soft serve and Blackberry/Raspberry Twist soft serve.
What’s your favorite movie or TV show?
I don't think I could ever choose a favorite, but Everything Everywhere All at Once is a recent favorite of mine, and Kung Fu Panda 2 is a nostalgic classic to me. The Spiderverse (soon-to-be) trilogy is probably my favorite movie series of all time.
Do you have a favorite book?
James Stewart's Calculus. The way it takes the reader comprehensively through hundreds of hours worth of Calculus is simply beautiful.
What’s your favorite school subject?
Although I love each and every subject taught, Math undoubtedly stands above the rest. The satisfaction of problem solving, the centuries of history as well as the ways it explains the natural world around us is something I'll never grow tired of learning about.
If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
Leonardo da Vinci. His accomplishments, perspective on the universe, and fearlessness of the unknown fascinate me.
It’s 11 p.m. Are you ready for bed or wide awake?
I'm already asleep! I like to get to bed from 10:15-10:30 PM. Sometimes before a big day I go to bed earlier, and on exciting occasions I'll stay up later.
What is your favorite type of music?
Classical is probably my favorite, although I've listened to over 1,000 songs this year for the first time, of which span hundreds of artists and dozens of genres. Yo-Yo Ma and Toshifumi Hinata are amongst my favorite classical musicians.
What is something you’ve never done that you’d like to try?
Travel to another country; I feel that the cultural differences would be an eye-opening experience for me.
What accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of my ability to reflect on my weaknesses and in an attempt to become a better person each and every day. No one can be perfect, but people can improve. Not only does this expand our perspective and humble the soul, but it allows us to live and enjoy life to its fullest.
What is something that not many people know about you that would surprise most people?
I know how to juggle! My good friend Kevin Gonci, a master of the art of juggling, taught me how to do a variety of 3-ball tricks back in 10th grade.