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Role Reversal: Students Become Educator

Students at Cicero-North Syracuse high school normally spend their days learning in a classroom from their teachers, but yesterday they took on a different role. On Thursday, March 22, students from the board of directors for the Northstars Branch, a student-run credit union at C-NS High School sponsored by CORE Federal Credit Union, became educators and mentors for younger students in the district.
Eleven high school students spent the morning at Roxboro Road Middle School making interactive presentations to more than 800 students, and shared their insights on a number of important money management and consumer awareness topics. Presentations took place in the auditorium of the middle school, with separate sessions involving all sixth, seventh and grade graders attending the school. Some of the topics that were covered are distinguishing between needs and wants, including ways to address even basic needs in more cost-effective ways, understanding the difference between price and value, teaching basic budgeting techniques, and discussing the keys to successful goal setting.
Student volunteers from the audience also took part in a taste test to illustrate the difference between something’s price and its value, and explore the impact that things like size, packaging and advertising have on an item’s cost. The high school presenters also played a few popular commercials and helped the middle schoolers to identify techniques like hero worship and peer pressure that advertisers use to try and influence them to purchase a product.
The sessions ended with a game of The Price is Right, where Roxboro Road Middle students had the chance to show their consumer awareness by trying to estimate the sale price of a variety of consumer products from a gallon of milk to a pair of Nike sneakers. The C-NS high school students achieved their goal of taking skills and knowledge that they are learning through the Northstars Branch program and sharing it with younger students in the district.